Quick Tip for a Therapist:
Rituals are not Routines and provide a supportive structure from which to nurture growth and life purpose.
Simply put – Rituals are LOVE.
One ritual that I, as a human, mother, therapist, and business owner (look at that priority list!) engage in each year is that of REFLECTION. I like to take some time from the chaos (or in the quiet hours when sleep eludes me anyway) to recognize where we started, to acknowledge where we are, and to envision where we’re going.
2023 began with an intention for STABILITY – to nurture the existing relationships within our team as well as our clients and communities.
What I notice is, that intention took a lot longer than I expected to realize but that, even in the imbalance there was shift which allowed for healthy growth and expansion – by focusing with INTENTION things naturally (aka not on my time) smoothed out. By investing in RELATIONSHIPS we’ve made space for the awesome and individual identities on our team to grow. That, in turn, has led to some exciting news…
2024 will begin with NEW GROUP spaces, developed and led by our associates who’ve been diligently training in new modalities of care this past year.
So, if you know me, this self-reflection is gonna turn into a nugget for you:
A process of REFLECTION can support the development of INTENTION which results in
STABILITY of RELATIONSHIPS and the REALIZATION of identified goals.
THANK YOU for putting your trust in us to guide you on your journey of healing, empowerment, and growth.
THANK YOU for being a part of our community that prioritizes relational healing.
THANK YOU for supporting our work and helping us to grow as clinicians and in service to our communities.